print competition guide
Please refer to the General Rules page
Ideas to help with competition entries
1. Ensure the subject is sharp where the focus is
2, Check all four edges of the picture for distractions
3. Can the image be improved by slightly cropping?
4. If showing black and white image check the image/print has a full range of tones from black to white
5. Check the image for any blown out highlights (parts that are pure white) sometimes clouds or anything
particularly bright in the image
6. Check dark areas for details( unless a (silhouette image)
7. Check colours are represented as you require and that the image hasn't got a colour cast
8. Check subject has not got any bits cut off that are meant to be shown
9. Check that the background for distractions both in colour or overly bright areas anything that may distract
10. Ensure mount is clean and without any finger marks
11. Is this image well composed
12. Can it be improved with the subject on he Thirds (though rules can be broken to suit
13. If a portrait ensure both eyes are sharp
14. If a portrait think about the placement of hands
15. Ensure any faces do not have any hot spots or shine or shadows where you do not want them
16. If taking animals consider getting down low to take their image
17. Can the image be improved in a square or panoramic format?
18. HDR less is more
19. Ensure there is no litter in the image unless required for arts sake
20. Can the horizon be moved up or down rather than across the middle. Is the horizon level. If a great sky show more if poor show less
21. Does the image have the required depth of field (area in the image perceived to be sharp)
22. Avoid over sharpening an image check for halos
23. Avoid plagiarism (copying identically another piece of work)
These are just some idea to consider when preparing an image for competition.
Remember this is a hobby to be enjoyed and leasing oneself first and foremost
With thanks to Paul Andrews for the above