club rules & Dues
1. The Club shall be called the Harwich & Dovercourt Camera Club; membership shall be open to all interested in photography.
2. Membership of the Club implies the undertaking to comply with and abide by these rules.
3. The annual subscriptions shall be fixed for the following year at the A.G.M.
4. The affairs of the Club shall be administered by a Committee consisting of the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary also known as the Officers, and a minimum of 3 members, maximum of 12. The committee has the power to co-opt new members on to the committee if deemed necessary.
5. The Officers and Committee are eligible for re-election each year at the AGM.
6. At a committee meeting 4 shall form a quorum and at a general meeting 6.
7. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and conduct the correspondence of the Club. The Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies due after authorisation by the Committee. At the close of each Club year a Balance Sheet shall be drawn up by the Treasurer and audited by an auditor appointed for this purpose at the AGM. The person responsible for the maintenance of the Club Website is allowed a certain amount of creative licence, but it is the Chairman and the committee who have overall control of what material is shown on the World Wide Web.
8. Competitions – only “fully paid up” members may enter Club competitions or be eligible to submit images for selection for an inter-club battle. For the sake of clarity a “fully paid up” member is one that has paid their annual subscription fee for the year, is an Honorary Member, or is under 18 years of age.
9. A maximum of 3 colour and 3 Themed Prints or PDI's may be entered into each club competition.
10. Prints submitted for competitions can be any size, however, they must be mounted on a 50cm
x 40 cm mount and backing board of the same size must be fixed with doubled sided tape or adhesive so that when it is stacked it will not adhere to any image underneath.
11. All DPI's must be resized to 1400 x 1050 pixels. The maximum height to be 1050 pixels and must carry the owners name and image name.
12. Any mono Print or DPI that has been tinted may only use one tint.
13. All DPI competition entries must be submitted to the Digital Competition Secretary or his/her representative by the Sunday, a week before the competition date. Print entries may be submitted on the evening of the competition but titles and a DPI copy of the image must be submitted to the competition secretary by the Sunday before.
14. The highest scoring 2 images in each category, for each member entering, will receive the score awarded by the judge. These scores to accumulate throughout the year and the person with the highest score in each category, at the end of the year will be the winner.
15. In each competition the Judge will select one 1st, 2nd and 3rd from the colour images and one 1st, 2nd and 3rd from the mono images. Image which have been placd 1st 2nd or 3d in any competition will go forward to the best in year. The judge may scores as mny 20's as he/she wishes and award highly commended at his/her discretion.
16. In each competition the Judge will select 1st 2nd and 3dfrom the open images and one 1st 2nd
3rd from the themed images. The Judge may score as many 20s as he/she wishes and award
commenced and highly commended at his/her discretion.
17. All winning prints shall be made available for selection for inter-club competitions.
18. It is Vital that all prints, having received 1st, 2nd or 3rd status in club competitions, maintain the Competition Secretary's details on the back of the mount. Please observe this rule if for whatever reason it becomes necessary to remount the print.
19. The "Best of Year" competition entries will comprise of the seasons 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners only.
20. Trade processed photographic material of any kind is acceptable for any purpose with the clubs activities providing it is within the parameters of the above rules.
21. All parts of a photograph entered for a competition must have been taken by the author.
22. No alteration of or addition to these rules shall be made except by the A,G,M. or Special Meeting called in accordance with rule 6.
23. Annual Membership Fee: Adults £20 plus £3 on evenings you attend (to include refreshments).
Under 18's - No annual membership fee but £1,00 per attendance for refreshments.
(Revised June 23)