Updated 10th February 2025
The Harwich & Dovercourt Camera Club was formed n 1957
We are a friendly club for anyone that has interest in photography
and/or an interest to learn or share your passion with others.
Any age, any ability, any type of camera - All are welcome.
Cameras have developed at a great pace over the past few years
with many modern mobile phones achieving excellent quality
images that are on par or even better than some SLR' and
mirrorless cameras, No matter what you use come along and enjoy
the experience.
We have a very active and working committee who work
tirelessly throughout the year to ring you a variety of photographic
Our programme is aimed at enhancing your understanding and
enjoyment of photography. Our evenings are friendly affairs and
offer something for everyone which includes competitions, various
workshops such as table top photography, portraiture with local
experienced models, tuition and guest speakers.
We meet Monday evenings from September to June in the main hall
at The Harwich Arts ad Heritage Centre within the Mayflower Primary
School, Main Road, Dovercourt, CO12 4AJ.
Our doors open at 7.00pm with the evening programme
commencing at 7.30 concluding around 10pm.
During the two months summer break we also endeavour to arrange
a number of location meets for photography challenges, which
can be a mix of Landscape, Sunsets, Flora & Fauna, Model shoots and
much, much more.
See our varied programme by checking the pages on this website or
visiting our Facebook Page at Harwich and Dovercourt Camera Club.
Should you have any questions about our club lase don't hesitate to
contact our Chairman or Secretary via this website who will be plase to
answer any concerns that you may have or provide you with any more
information. Alternatively, just turn upon any Monday evening (No charge)
where you will be made most welcome.
We are a friendly club for anyone that has interest in photography
and/or an interest to learn or share your passion with others.
Any age, any ability, any type of camera - All are welcome.
Cameras have developed at a great pace over the past few years
with many modern mobile phones achieving excellent quality
images that are on par or even better than some SLR' and
mirrorless cameras, No matter what you use come along and enjoy
the experience.
We have a very active and working committee who work
tirelessly throughout the year to ring you a variety of photographic
Our programme is aimed at enhancing your understanding and
enjoyment of photography. Our evenings are friendly affairs and
offer something for everyone which includes competitions, various
workshops such as table top photography, portraiture with local
experienced models, tuition and guest speakers.
We meet Monday evenings from September to June in the main hall
at The Harwich Arts ad Heritage Centre within the Mayflower Primary
School, Main Road, Dovercourt, CO12 4AJ.
Our doors open at 7.00pm with the evening programme
commencing at 7.30 concluding around 10pm.
During the two months summer break we also endeavour to arrange
a number of location meets for photography challenges, which
can be a mix of Landscape, Sunsets, Flora & Fauna, Model shoots and
much, much more.
See our varied programme by checking the pages on this website or
visiting our Facebook Page at Harwich and Dovercourt Camera Club.
Should you have any questions about our club lase don't hesitate to
contact our Chairman or Secretary via this website who will be plase to
answer any concerns that you may have or provide you with any more
information. Alternatively, just turn upon any Monday evening (No charge)
where you will be made most welcome.