AGMas issued by Mandy (secretary)
15th December 2014
1. Apologies received: Bob , Brenda
2. AGM minutes from 2013 were read by Mary and accepted by all members and signed as true by the chairman
3. George opened the meeting by reading the chairman’s report, who believed it has been a very good year and his alternate teaching weeks are going well. The A team is smaller this year but the B team is doing well. Digital competitions has been an eye opener with some amazing images coming through. A new projector/screen is needed.
The 8 x 8 competition was a let-down as we did not manage to enter.
George thanked all the committee especially Monique and Carmel and all the members of the club.
4. Ron read the treasurers report and was pleased to say that we made a little bit more profit this year especially as we have done so much. Bob audited.
5. Mandy read out the secretary’s report who spoke about the up and down year we have had, the previous previous years activities and thanked George for his alternate weeks activities.
6. Monique read out the competition secretaries’ report and gave the results for all the competitions.
7. Election of officers for 2015
Chairman - George – proposed by Paul S 2nd Anna
Vice chairman - Gary – proposed by George 2nd Tony
Treasurer - Ron – proposed George – 2nd Mandy
Equipment - Ben – proposed Ron 2nd Mandy
Secretary - Mandy – prosed by George 2nd
Assistant Secretary – John
It was proposed by the chairman that John Holland be made a full member of the club instead of an honouree member - 2nd by Mandy
(A long discussion was held about more committee meetings, as life would be easier if more were held. Proposals were one a month, three monthly or every eight weeks. It was decided that that they would be every eight weeks on one of the alternate Mondays and put on the program for next year. This was proposed by Mark and seconded by George and Paul S.
Competition Secretaries – Print: Emma & Holly - proposed by George & seconded by Anna - who promised to keep a watchful eye on the young ladies
Digital: Kristian - proposed by Mandy and seconded by George
Committee members – Monique, Anna, Bob, Tony, Peter, Jane, Paul S. (all proposed and 2nd by George and Mandy )
8. Any Other Business
It was discussed that any digital images winning a place in a competition be automatically sent to Paul Simmons for the web site and any prints be sent in digital format. Copyright issues were discussed and it was agreed that images could be put on the web site unless the owner specifically requests that it is not.
Proposed by George 2nd by Mandy hgate
Disabled access was discussed with an option being that maybe if we can’t find suitable premises on our own that we could amalgamate with Manningtree who already have the appropriate facilities, but we would do our best to locate affordable suitable premises. Several suggestions were made and will be looked into and discussed at a future cc meeting.
A discussion took place re: projector verses 52” TV and it was decided that we buy a second hand projector and screen.
It was decided that we no longer have two groups for competitions just the one, and that all images whatever size be mounted on full size mounts and you no longer have to be an A group member to print a A3 image if you wish.
This was proposed by George - 2nd by Peter O
15th December 2014
1. Apologies received: Bob , Brenda
2. AGM minutes from 2013 were read by Mary and accepted by all members and signed as true by the chairman
3. George opened the meeting by reading the chairman’s report, who believed it has been a very good year and his alternate teaching weeks are going well. The A team is smaller this year but the B team is doing well. Digital competitions has been an eye opener with some amazing images coming through. A new projector/screen is needed.
The 8 x 8 competition was a let-down as we did not manage to enter.
George thanked all the committee especially Monique and Carmel and all the members of the club.
4. Ron read the treasurers report and was pleased to say that we made a little bit more profit this year especially as we have done so much. Bob audited.
5. Mandy read out the secretary’s report who spoke about the up and down year we have had, the previous previous years activities and thanked George for his alternate weeks activities.
6. Monique read out the competition secretaries’ report and gave the results for all the competitions.
7. Election of officers for 2015
Chairman - George – proposed by Paul S 2nd Anna
Vice chairman - Gary – proposed by George 2nd Tony
Treasurer - Ron – proposed George – 2nd Mandy
Equipment - Ben – proposed Ron 2nd Mandy
Secretary - Mandy – prosed by George 2nd
Assistant Secretary – John
It was proposed by the chairman that John Holland be made a full member of the club instead of an honouree member - 2nd by Mandy
(A long discussion was held about more committee meetings, as life would be easier if more were held. Proposals were one a month, three monthly or every eight weeks. It was decided that that they would be every eight weeks on one of the alternate Mondays and put on the program for next year. This was proposed by Mark and seconded by George and Paul S.
Competition Secretaries – Print: Emma & Holly - proposed by George & seconded by Anna - who promised to keep a watchful eye on the young ladies
Digital: Kristian - proposed by Mandy and seconded by George
Committee members – Monique, Anna, Bob, Tony, Peter, Jane, Paul S. (all proposed and 2nd by George and Mandy )
8. Any Other Business
It was discussed that any digital images winning a place in a competition be automatically sent to Paul Simmons for the web site and any prints be sent in digital format. Copyright issues were discussed and it was agreed that images could be put on the web site unless the owner specifically requests that it is not.
Proposed by George 2nd by Mandy hgate
Disabled access was discussed with an option being that maybe if we can’t find suitable premises on our own that we could amalgamate with Manningtree who already have the appropriate facilities, but we would do our best to locate affordable suitable premises. Several suggestions were made and will be looked into and discussed at a future cc meeting.
A discussion took place re: projector verses 52” TV and it was decided that we buy a second hand projector and screen.
It was decided that we no longer have two groups for competitions just the one, and that all images whatever size be mounted on full size mounts and you no longer have to be an A group member to print a A3 image if you wish.
This was proposed by George - 2nd by Peter O