club events - autumn to christmas 2014
September 1st Looking to Competitions
September 15th Print Competition - Subject: Open (Judge Peter Norris DPAGB AFIAP BPE4)
September 29th Print Competition - Panel of 4 (Judge John Theobold)
October 13th Digital Competition - Subject: Humour (Judge Rosie Pines CPAGB)
October 27th One Camera, 3 shots - A discussion
November 10th Digital Competition - Subject :Open (Judge Dale Housler)
November 24th Best Of Season Assessment (Print and Digital)
Judges : (Barbie Lindsay MPAGB EFIAP/FBPE & Russel Lindsay MPAGB FBPE
December 8th A.G.M and Presentation of Trophies
December 15th Social Quiz Night